10:00 Welcome and Introduction to GCC Center for Comprehensive PK/PD and Formulation (CCPF)
Suzanne Tomlinson, PhD, Gulf Coast Consortia
Diana Chow, PhD, University of Houston
Dong Liang, PhD, Texas Southern University
Huan Xie, PhD, Texas Southern University
Omonike Olaleye, PhD, MPH, Texas Southern University
10:10 Keynote: Chemo-immunotherapy for Colorectal Cancer and Liver Metastasis
Leaf Huang, PhD
University of North Carolina
(Introduction by Dr. Chow)
Session 1: Formulation and PK
Convener: Huan Xie, PhD, CCPF-CPRIT Core PD
10:50 Supralingual Delivery of Mycophenolic Acid – PK Analysis and Modeling
Robert YL Tsai, MD, PhD
Texas A&M Institute of Biosciences and Technology
Xiaohua Liu, PhD
Texas A&M College of Dentistry
Huan Xie, PhD
Texas Southern University
11:15 Targeting Skp2/Ck1 to Restore Nuclear p27 in Cancers with Mislocalized p27
Ruhee Dere, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine
11:35 Trends of Oral Formulation in Cancer Care: Focus on Capecitabine
Veronica Ajewole, PharmD, BCOP
Texas Southern University
11:55 Overview of the PD Facility of the CCPF
Yun Zhang, PhD
Texas Southern University
12:15 Lunch Break and Virtual Poster session
12:15-12:55 Poster Session
1:30 Keynote: Model-Informed Drug Development: Challenges and Opportunities
Stephan Schmidt, PhD
University of Florida
(Introduction by Dr. Chow)
Session 2: PK/PD and Metabolism
Convener: Dong Liang, PhD, CCPF-CPRIT PI
2:10 LC-MS/MS Analysis of Thyroid T3 and It’s Metabolites in Plasma
Carly Filqueira, PhD
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Dong Liang, PhD
2:30 The Multiple Activities of Jumonji Inhibitor JIB-04
Elisabeth Martinez, PhD
UT Southwestern Medical Center
2:50 Alleviating Irinotecan-induced diarrhea with herbal mixture Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang (XCHT)
Song Gao, PhD
Texas Southern University
3:10 Wrap up followed by virtual networking